Some time ago I had to develope application that could connect two systems: Microsoft Dynamics CRM & SCSM (Microsoft System Center Service Manager). The main purpose of this application is to synchronize data between two applications.
In this article i will show you only some little part (but maybe one of the toughest for me...) of my application code.
I will continue to post some other usefull parts from this project.
The code consists of 3 main steps:
1. Create relationship between incident & manual activity
2. Create manual activity
3. Assign created activity to incident
There is good post about creating incident in SCSM which really helped me out:
//Create relationship between incident & manual acticvity
ManagementPackRelationship workItemContainsActivityRelationship =
mg.EntityTypes.GetRelationshipClass(new Guid("2DA498BE-0485-B2B2-D520-6EBD1698E61B"));
CreatableEnterpriseManagementRelationshipObject AssignedToIncident =
new CreatableEnterpriseManagementRelationshipObject(mg, workItemContainsActivityRelationship);
//Create Manual Activity
CreatableEnterpriseManagementObject activityItemObject =
new CreatableEnterpriseManagementObject(mg, classManualActivity);
Guid newActivityGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
activityItemObject[classManualActivity, "Id"].Value = newActivityGuid.ToString();
activityItemObject[classManualActivity, "Title"].Value = "<Title>";
activityItemObject[classManualActivity, "Description"].Value = "<Description>";
EnterpriseManagementObjectGenericCriteria genericCr =
new EnterpriseManagementObjectGenericCriteria("Id == '" + <SCSM Incident Id>.ToString() + "'");
IObjectReader<EnterpriseManagementObject> reader = mg.EntityObjects.GetObjectReader<EnterpriseManagementObject>(genericCr, ObjectQueryOptions.Default);
if (reader != null && reader.Count > 0) {
foreach (EnterpriseManagementObject obj in reader) {
IncrementalDiscoveryData dd = new IncrementalDiscoveryData();
//Assign Manual Activity to Incident
Incomplete code for creation classManualActivity, please update!!!
ReplyDeleteI know this is an old post but...
I have tried this script working with Service requests but it fails at the point of adding the SR ID. All I can seem to bring back is the friendly ID (SR123456) as opposed to the GUID that it seems to require. For the life of me I cant work out in C# how to get this value.
In powershell I can find the object and use $object.get_id()...
or as in my case I am writing a script to run from an activity which will add another activity to the SR I can look at the relationship already created (system.workitemcontainsactivity) and get it from the $relationship.sourceobject.ID ... but once more this is in powershell, not in C#
Any clues on how to get the GUID of an object in C# would be greatly received!
Cheers Ed